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Past Implementations Turnaround Analysis

Best educate the Key Stakeholders to turn around failing ERP Implementations towards successful completion

iBit turnaround analysis services help in rediscovering the gaps in past efforts over ERP readiness, selection, stakeholder alignment, financial restructuring and retrospective biases and bring in awareness

Design the Method and Plan

As a business turnaround consultant, our first task is identifying all the major players within a troubled company and working with these players to diagnose the situation. We then report back to equity owners and/or lenders whenever we identify an issue. Finally, we use the combined knowledge of all stakeholders to develop a turnaround plan and strategy.

Data Collection, Analysis and Action

Our analyses are informed by contracts and financial documentation, industry expertise and years of experience as business turnaround consultants. You will benefit from our devoted team of experts with experience across industries.

Our analyses help you gain control of the situation – particularly the cash – and establish breakeven. As a business turnaround consultant, we understand the importance of centralizing the cash management function to ensure control – if you stop the cash bleed, you enable the entity to survive.

Another way we ensure survival and protect the asset value is by demonstrating to stakeholders that the business is viable and in transition.

Back to the track on Recovery

Final Course Correction

Once we’ve performed our analysis, we present it to the equity owners and/or lenders. If everyone agrees with our recommendation, we immediately get to work to enact our strategy and execute our turnaround plan.

The turnaround roadmaps that our business turnaround consultants develop are effective because they move quickly through each stage in order to return the organization to profitability.

Revisit the Turnaround Goal and Get Confirmed to Self

The objective of our business turnaround consultants is to determine the severity of the situation and whether it can be turned around. This analysis culminates in formulating a preliminary action plan stating what is wrong, how to fix the situation, key strategies to turn the entity in a positive direction, and a cash flow forecast to understand cash usage. This analysis answers questions like, “Is this business viable?” “Should we save it?” “Do we have the cash resources to fuel the turnaround?”

We Can Make it Better, Now!

Looking at the expert turnaround analysis without compromising the organization integrity and confidentiality? That’s just what our ERP turnaround consultants are known for

Discover How iBit Can Transform Your Organization

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